Your ten hours are up. For a short time, there is silence. And perhaps they were bluffing? Perhaps they had no intention of attacking? But then, a warning shot strikes the shield surrounding Sphere. It shimmers under the impact. Then another. Then another. In a few minutes, the shield is being bombarded by the Hakkarin ship -- then the long range
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[Somewhere in Sphere--or rather, more specifically in the simulation room--a face that hasn't been around for nearly three weeks makes its appearance once more... with some apparently unexpected company.
The NEXUS skids across the gray floor, capturing a tumbling image of Lightning wrestling a strange-looking creature. Trapping the soldier in its
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[as the feed switches on, a good deal of cheerios will see a familiar face. after all, shouta's gone through a lot to get an extensive network of people under his belt in these long months. his progress has all but halted lately, however, due to another familiar predicament
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[when the feed clicks active, you will find yourself with this going on for a few seconds; change the background for quilts and the infirmary's white walls and we are set to go. the black kitten may seem familiar to some. it purrs against the camera and tries to bap at the device, curiously wondering what to do with the screen and what was the deal
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[Kadaj loves cameras way too much so he makes sure to switch it to video and hold it at a weird angle. Only half of his face can be seen, but he quickly goes restless and begins tossing the communicator around. He can't even give a mockery of a smile, just slightly on edge since he was in the middle of something very important to him. If he's to
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[This? Would be the sound of someone scoffing, and totally uninterested. Nero's obviously disappointed at the result of the shiny light beacon that called to him and brought him to Ceriu.]Count me out. Not that I don't think this is a problem, but you've gotta be shitting me here. A virus killing everyone? Right. Almost as bad as people worshipping
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[it seems that the prospects that the storm brings hasn't made only Rufus uneasy. However, it does make keeping these little cubs of Rufus and Aerith's a secret. A small paw must have gotten a hold of the NEXUS device and started to display these two little guys:]
[ the feed starts off with Aki staring intently at the screen. This was going to be a short feed - just a simple ask for some pain killers for the recent headaches he's been having. But it doesn't seem like it's going to be that way
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